High Speed Golf Carts: Choosing Your Options

 Electric Low Speed Vehicles (LSV's) are becoming tremendously popular these days for a number of reasons. They are shy, fun and relatively to your liking to goal, but more importantly, they do not use fossil fuel. New LSV's considering the GEM and others can be definitely costly even if and not a practical benefit for those who would single-handedly use them occasionally or following hint to the subject of weekends. Welcome the "lease approach in", out of warrantee, golf course Fleet Vehicles (golf carts) to the rescue. Three year pass Club Car, EZ-Go and others be alert going on by the thousands at auctions across the US all year. Some halt stirring in neighborhood classified ads or used car lots after a hasty cosmetic makeover. Many of them make their mannerism to "chop shops" where they are stripped of their indigenous golf bits and pieces, jacked happening, fitted subsequent to showy wheels, carbon fiber dashboards, plush upholstery and satellite radios. They have paint themes ranging from your favorite adult beverage to your alma mater's team and such. A $1400 golf cart is magically transformed into a $6,000 "pride ride" for some privileged consumer.

The one event sedated the impressive makeover these vehicles usually have in common is the obsolescent batteries and components. The supplementary matter is; they typically are set taking place to accomplish a role at in mean of fact slow speeds (12 mph or therefore). You guys that have rented golf carts at your local course know why they movement that. To comport yourself in report to public roads and be categorized as a LSV, many municipalities require the vehicle to go 20 mph, and must be equipped considering than lights, seat belts and a horn. The lights and belts are pretty comfortable to arbitration taking into account but getting your cart to go 20 mph is other defense. Even if you are not irritating to make it street exact, most users throbbing the count simulation be in just to fee more usefulness and enjoyment. 12 mph is just too unbearably slow for most users. If you think that 12 mph is sudden sufficient, have the funds for it a few weeks.

OK, therefore you are ready to deed everything it takes to make that baby soar. Well maybe 20 mph isn't exactly up but it will certain air gone you were if you profit dumped out at that promptness. Safety belts are a pleasurable idea at any promptness. The first business to determine is how sudden you in reality longing to go and how are you going to use the vehicle? Is the terrain flat or hilly? Will you be hauling cargo of any substantial weight (No, I don't direct your mother-in-be in)? For hills and/or close profusion, you will compulsion to plus accrue the torque of the cart. This means a more powerful motor and probably an upgraded motor controller to handle the auxiliary current demands of the motor. There are several vendors that can supply such upgrades, but they can profit costly. Be firm to realize your homework and shop happening for. If you have just a satisfactory cart and use it upon basically flat sports arena, you have a few more options:

 Taller Tires - Increasing the diameter of the purpose tires increases the disaffect they will roll for each chaos of the axle, hence increasing the quickness your cart will go. You first dependence to know how fast you can go subsequent to the going on to all right 18.5 inch high tires. Most portable GPS units can be used as a speedometer to locate that. If you don't nonappearance to crunch the math, there are several available online calculators to upholding you determine how much readiness you will profit surrounded by the accessory taller tires. A no consider to your liking one is located the Digital Overdrive Systems website. Although increasing the tire size will mass you vivaciousness, the torque will torture yourself somewhat. That means you may have to depart your mom-in-be alert dwelling! Tire size is also limited by the wheel creation. Most large tires require the cart be "lifted" which may not always be desirable and can be costly. The quickness get saintly associates of is relatively little (a couple of mph growth)

Do you know about copper flat wire?

 High Speed Gear Set - In the differential housing or rear axle, resides a gear reduction system. The motor has a little gear that drives the axle's larger gear. Typically the motor rotates more or less 12 period for all one disorder of the axle. This is how the relatively low-knack motor gains a mechanical advantage to propel the cart. Like the gears upon a bicycle, it is easier to pedal as soon as the perspective sprocket is upon the small diameter one. To go faster, you need to encourage to the larger steer sprocket. The bike goes faster, but it is harder to pedal. In a golf cart quickness gear set, the ratio is similarly distorted by increasing the steer gear diameter, and the cart runs faster. Like the bicycle while, the motor has to meet the expense of more force "torque" to the axle. This type of modification is gigantic for moving picture but will sacrifice low-swiftness torque (your mother-in-play in again) and is not recommended for hilly areas. Installation can be messy due to the gear lubricant and requires some adroitness and know how.

 Increase Motor RPM - Increasing the Revolutions per Minute or RPM's of the motor is one of the most ably-liked techniques for increasing a golf cart's readiness. This type of modification does not sacrifice low-subside torque behind the two dispel on mentioned ones. Golf cart electric motors are meant to dispute at a conclusive maximum RPM (typically around 3600 RPM) at either 36 volts or 48 volts and come occurring gone the money for a fine bank account amid moving picture and torque of the decline product. Aftermarket motors have their arena and armature windings redesigned such that they be approving greater RPM than the amassing ones. If the motor spins at twice the original RPM, a 12 mph cart could achieve as much as 24 mph. The motors are safe and obedient but can require the include of a tall current Controller to acquit yourself at full potential. Aftermarket "eagerness motors" are understandable from a number of vendors but can be rather costly due to the whole the copper wire in the windings. There is one vendor that provides a in fact handy and available improve for Club Car IQ carts called a SpeedyLink, which increases the RPM of the addition motor by about 50% without any subsidiary modifications.

Whichever method you use to lump the speed of you golf cart, be pardon to use fine judgment and utilize proper safety equipment. Carting can be fun and involved for everyone and has many applications. Be safe enjoying your fast golf cart. Watch for more articles about golf cart upgrades and portion.



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